Protocols & Standards
A Gold Standard for Climate Action
IWCA’s standards are science-based and rigorous. We regularly consult leading global standards and protocols on GHG emissions to develop our own membership requirements and guidance for member wineries.

GHG Protocol
IWCA’s GHG inventory standards align with the GHG Protocol, with the two exceptions of how we account for refrigerant emissions and energy used to cool and store wine (details below).
About the GHG Protocol
The GHG Protocol is the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standard. A joint initiative of World Resources Institute and WBCSD, the GHG Protocol provides accounting and reporting standards, sector guidance, calculation tools, and trainings for businesses and local and national governments.
Key GHG Protocol Resources
IWCA’s Exceptions to the GHG Protocol
IWCA’s GHG policies and tools align with the GHG Protocol, with two exceptions:
Accounting for refrigerant emissions: Given the large impact of refrigerants on wineries’ carbon footprints, IWCA requires our wineries to include all refrigerant emissions in their Scope 1 calculations. This includes emissions from GHGs not covered by the Kyoto Protocol. This differs from the GHG Protocol, which states that non-Kyoto emissions should be reported separately from Scope 1 emissions.
Accounting for retailer and home energy use to store and cool wine: To totally close the life cycle of wine products, IWCA requires all wineries to consider all emissions related to the energy consumed at the shop/supermarket — and energy consumed to cool wine before use — in their Scope 3 calculations. This differs from the GHG Protocol, which deems accounting for such emissions as optional.
The GHG Protocol is presently drafting guidance on emissions and removals from land use—an area on which we welcome standardized, science-based guidance. At present, in the absence of such guidance, IWCA has not adopted a policy on carbon sequestration, biogenic emissions, and CO2 removals. IWCA awaits finalization of the GHG Protocol guidance to determine whether to update our policies.
ISO-14064 Standard
IWCA GHG guidance and GHG calculators adhere to the ISO-14064 standard. Furthermore, to achieve and maintain IWCA membership, wineries must have their GHG inventories verified to the ISO-14064-1 standard, working with an ISO-14064-3-accredited auditor.
About the ISO-14064 Standard
IWCA GHG guidance and GHG calculators adhere to the ISO-14064 standard. Furthermore, to achieve and maintain IWCA membership, wineries must have their GHG inventories verified to the ISO-14064-1 standard, working with an accredited auditor.
Key ISO-14064 Resources